Wednesday, 4 May 2016

New Slack Team

Something that really motivates me is sharing incremental goal progress with others and seeing what others are working towards. 

Thankfully, a lot of apps have integrations that will post to a Slack channel when you finish a work session (RescueTime, for example), when you are approaching a deadline (like Beeminder), or that will help you connect tons of other apps and sites to the same feed (IFTTT and Zapier). So, I've created a new Slack team for others who might like a place to be socially accountable for their goals, and to chat about apps, commitments devices, and quantified self.

The main idea is to have a place for users to make use of the available integrations to post to a stream, together with those kinds of posts and updates from others. But, instead of having them separated in different streams for different services, or mixed in with our Twitter or Facebook feeds, they can all be in one place, alongside those of interested others.

My hope is that this will be a fun way to add an extra element of social accountability for those who would like that, and to be able to share successes and see what others are working on, finishing up, getting reminders about, etc. Get a little competitive to see if you can do more pomodoros than your friends in a day, or get motivated by getting to post that you went for a run before breakfast, or get spurred on by seeing the example of other goals that people are working on.

There are also channels to talk about apps, quantified self stuff, and, of course, cat gifs.

You can join the #accountability-stream channel (or the other chat channels) on up by [signing up on this handy Google form, thanks to the friendly and fun @peppertoni, who created it for ussending an email to with the subject "Slack" from the email address that you would like an invitation sent to. (Slack is invite-only, so there's no way to share a link to it directly, I'm afraid.) Feel free to invite others once you're in!

Meanwhile, I had originally planned to tell you about one of my very favourite apps, but I discovered while I was typing up the post this weekend that it's on hiatus, and so is no longer available for purchase! So stay tuned for another post this weekend about how to use IFTTT and a few willing friends to make sure you're always where you're supposed to be on time (or else!).

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